We never include any third-party or commercial advertisements in any of our games. You may have noticed that many other kids games include cleverly-placed links that, when tapped on, bring up other games for purchase. We strive to create an experience in our games that we would want for our own children.

Our games do NOT collect personal, usage, or any other type of user information.

As long as you are using the same account, you do not have to purchase the game again. Simply re-download it from your app store. If the game has locked content, the content should automatically unlock.

Currently, our games are available on Apple App Store and Google Play.

You can purchase a game once and then install it on an unlimited number of devices, as long as those devices are using the same app store and account. For example, if you have 3 Apple devices all using the same App Store account, you can install the game on each device with a single purchase.

The short answer is: yes. Due to app market constraints, a purchase from each individual app market is required.

No our games never contain in-app purchases. All of our games are either free or paid downloads. Kids are never prompted to make puchases.